The DUI Court Process

Steven Spielberg

Successfully navigating your way through a criminal prosecution for Driving Under the Influence in Washington State requires a clear understanding of the DUI court process. In other words, knowing what is coming your way will greatly reduce the amount of stress you feel when fighting a DUI charge. Although each […]

Can Good Legal Advice Be Free?

Steven Spielberg

The services of an attorney can often be expensive depending upon the type of legal advice required. While many lawyers offer a free consultation for a variety of services, most will wait until hired to provide true legal advice. Millions of people are unable or unwilling to pay for this […]

A Career in Private Investigation

Steven Spielberg

A career in private investigation is versatile and many people pursue it as an alternative career option. There is a growing demand for private investigators. This is chiefly because of the increase in the number of crimes and the resulting fear and tension, an increase in litigation and the need […]

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