Interview With an Empowered Teacher – Miss Toni Luaton

Steven Spielberg

We are very much lucky today to have an awesome guest, who has a great advocacy, a beauty title holder, and soon to be a published author. Well, a round of applause to this one great woman of substance, a beauty and brain, and more. Please welcome, Miss Toni Luaton!

Here’s our email interview with Miss Toni. Read on, and be amazed, folks.

1. What, to you, is the most significant wisdom one needs to observe battling out this COVID-19 pandemic?

The most important wisdom one needs to have during this pandemic is Faith. Faith in God, faith in self, and faith in other people. God should be the source of our strength. He will renew us and provide for our needs. We should also have faith in ourselves, and believe that we will overcome all these challenges. Lastly, we need to have faith in others, we need to restore our trust and belief in humanity, because in the end, all we have is each other.

2. Tell something about your advocacy.

As part of my initiative in delivering quality education through the improvement of mothers’ lives, I have created the Modern Ruth Project which is geared towards empowering women for nation-building. This consists of a series of free workshops on developing intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. It aims to help women know and accept themselves and develop their relationships with others. I believe that at such a time as this, women need to be strengthened so they can step up and do something for society. I want to help them improve themselves so they can also improve their families and communities.

As I act on my project, I discovered that it is not very practical if I insist on delivering it face-to-face. I made several adjustments and decided to deliver it online not only to mothers but to all teachers in schools, both male and female. Teachers need to be empowered because they will in turn empower students and their families. I am continuously praying to have access to as many schools in San Jose del Monte Bulacan as possible, and if given the chance, I hope to expand this project to other parts of the Philippines as well.

3. Given the scenario of synchronous teaching/learning where online or blended is the usual mode, what are some challenges a teacher or learner has to face?

I am concerned with Digital Divide wherein the affluent gets more access to education. In terms of Online Kamustahan where only learners with gadgets can participate, I am saddened by the fact that disadvantaged learners are being left behind. Teachers need to provide equal opportunities to everyone.

4. A learner has a problem with educational technologies like android cellphone, how do you manage to making him/her participate in online or blended classes? Was there a chance taking extra mile like helping such a learner? If yes, kindly give us the scenario.

Fortunately, our school adapted the Printed Modular Distance Learning where gadgets are not required. However, there was a case when we were tasked to accomplish an activity requiring a cellphone, and I have a learner who doesn’t have one. So, I printed the activity and sent it home to the learner. Teachers need to find ways to deliver education to the underprivileged.

5. Mental health promotion or awareness is one project of yours, how do you manage having a drive pushing this so many could benefit from this: teachers, parents and learners alike?

I have been in the dark for so long and now that I am in the light, I want to share this light to people who needed it the most. A lot of people need help, even if they do not know it yet. I want to help them improve themselves. I see potential in so many of them, they can become servant leaders and change agents. They can transform society and make the world a better place to live in for our future generation.

6. How do we regain our self-confidence? Tell how this journey of yours made you more assertive, er passionate about your advocacy.

We have to remember our original make-up. We were fearfully and wonderfully made. All of us were created for a purpose, and all of us have the power to make a lasting impact. I failed so many times to the point of giving up, but God reminded me that I am loved, that I am special, and that whatever I experienced can be used to lead more people to him, so they too can experience his love and redemption.

7. Share your own philosophy in life, profession and “surviving and thriving” at the same time this pandemic.

I believe that everything happens for the best. God will not let us experience pain for nothing. All of these experiences are trainings, they hone us and mold us to be the strong persons we were meant to be. We should embrace these experiences and learn from them.

8. Are you planning to write a book out of your experiences? Or a blog, podcast, etc so as to reaching more people and inspiring them as well.

I wrote a book entitled, “Rise Up: Surviving Brokenness and Becoming the Strong Person You Were Meant to Be.” I am planning to publish it soon once the funds are available.

9. Parting words to our readers out there.

Our life here on earth is short and we ought to make the most out of it. How do we want to be remembered? What legacy should we leave behind? Changing lives doesn’t have to be very grand. We can change lives by becoming a good example. How we treat ourselves, our families, and the people around us can make a huge impact.

Start by being kind to yourself. Forgive yourself for all the past mistakes and disappointments. Accept yourself for who you are and start building from there. Never limit yourself because everything is possible when you believe.

Improve your relationships with others by forgiving them and thanking them. Be grateful, always count your blessings. Use whatever resources you have to be a light to someone. And lastly, make your life count.

10. Any socmed link you have? Tell us how to connect with you and your advocacy.

My website is Please also follow my Facebook page, Modern Ruth Project, and Mrs. Tourism Beauty Pageant Facebook page. Help me reach more schools and help me transform more lives. Thank you so much for your time, Sir Larry! More power to you and God bless you!

So, there you have it. An empowered teacher, indeed! Keep up the good work! We are all in awe about your transformation, and your quest toward human excellence. Cheers, Miss Toni!


Toni Luaton is a graduate of La Consolacion College Manila with a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She took up Professional Education at the University of the Philippines Diliman and is now taking her Masters Degree in Education major in Guidance also at UP Diliman. She is both a Registered Nurse and a Licensed Professional Teacher and is presently serving at Paradise Farms Community School, San Jose del Monte Bulacan. She is a Recipient of an International Education Award at the recently concluded World Education Icon Awards as an Iconic Teacher for the Holistic Development of Students. She also won in an International Pageant and was bestowed the title: Mrs. Tourism Ambassador for Education. As the founder of Modern Ruth Project, she aims to empower others by giving free workshops and webinars to schools. She also believes that if teachers will be empowered, they will truly have the power to change the world.

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