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April 5, 2022170 Views
App State named Sandra Vannoy dean of the Walker College of Business Friday, according to a University Communications press release published Monday.
Vannoy started her App State career as a faculty member in the Walker College of Business in 1998. Her first administrative role was assistant dean for Graduate Programs and Research in 2014. She became associate dean in 2015, acting dean of the Walker College of Business in 2020 and interim dean in 2021.
Before taking on administrative roles, Vannoy was a lecturer in the App State Department of Computer Information Systems. Her teaching and research-related interests include, “the role of information technology in organizational decision-making and social dynamics,” according to an email from the Office of the Provost.
The Office of the Provost wrote that Vannoy’s work has been published in “Information Systems Research, Communications of the ACM, Social Network Analysis and Mining, among others.”
Vannoy received both her Bachelors of Science in business administration in finance degree and a master of business administration degree from App State. She received her Ph.D. in information systems from UNC-Greensboro.
According to the press release, Vannoy co-owned a small business “specializing in software and business information systems” and had administrative roles in healthcare and banking before her first position at the university as a lecturer. Vannoy also serves as chair of the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce board of directors.
The Walker College of Business enrolls around 3,000 undergraduate students and 175 graduate students across 13 majors and master’s programs.
About the Contributor
Cameron Stuart, Associate News Editor
Cameron Stuart (she/her) is a senior journalism and sustainable development double major and French minor from Rock Hill, S.C. This is her fourth year…